The purpose of the Ladies of Seton group is to involve the women of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in the life of the parish through Christian fellowship, provide assistance to the pastor, and support other parish ministries, both financially and personally.
Monthly meetings take place on the first Thursday of every month, September through May, at 7pm at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School in the cafeteria. At meetings, we share prayer, conversation, and refreshments, and do actifities that are both fun and interesting. In the business portion of the meeting, we plan for upcoming events, fundraisers, and involvement with other parish ministries like St. Vincent de Paul and the Men of Seton.
Any woman, 18 years of age or older, who is a registered parishioner is welcome to join the organization. We can also arrange transportation to meetings and events if needed.
Interested in joining? For more information, plase contact Patti Baechtold at [email protected].
All women of the parish are members and welcome to attend any of our functions. We are mainly a social group and our responsibility to our parish is to care for the needs of the Altar and Sanctuary. We provide the altar bread and wine for the parish and oversee the art and environment with the guidance of the pastor and deacon. Ladies Sodality also provides needed items such as vestments, altar servers' albs, flowers, plants, etc., when funds are available.
Ladies Sodality meets the fourth Monday of the month during February, March, April, September and October at 6:30pm in the Church Basement. A pizza social is followed by a business meeting. In the summer, a restaurant dinner is usually planned. During Advent our annual Candlelight Dinner is held for parish staff and the ladies of the parish. Our major fundraiser is our Spring Flea Market/Plant Sale/Bake Sale. Please watch the bulletin for information about upcoming events. We always look forward to seeing new faces!
For more information, please contact Pat Nagel,
[email protected], or Carol Sims, [email protected].