Elizabeth Otte, Coordinator of Adult Formation
[email protected]
513-831-3353 x 104Can I reach out now?
Yes! We welcome you to inquire at any time.
Regular sessions for becoming Catholic occur twice monthly on Mondays at 7:00 PM, with a few exceptions. There are also times that involve attending Sunday Mass together with a time of scripture study to follow.
Please contact Elizabeth Otte, Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation, if you are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith.
Becoming Catholic is a wonderful journey and we welcome you! Please know that we are here for you on your path, wherever that may lead. There is no pressure, as the choice to becoming a Catholic-Christian is a totally free one. This process goes at your pace, based on your needs and timing. The overall process is meant to be a training in all aspects of Christian life. Christian Initiation engages new members in all four key areas of religion: beliefs, morality, worship, and community. In the process of this journey you will receive group instruction about Catholic beliefs and practices. You will also develop a personal prayer life, find a sense of community, serve others, and get more involved in Parish worship and life.
Regular topic-based meetings occur twice monthly along with scripture study and Sunday Mass. Please reach out at anytime, and we will gladly begin walking the journey with you! How long the process takes is adapted according to the individual. There is no time frame for the Holy Spirit!
Becoming a baptized Catholic-Christian involves a series of ritual steps that mark one's gradual progress in the journey of faith. The path of Christian initiation reaches its climax with Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil, but the journey does not end here. It continues for the Easter Season (Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday) as new believers live and reflect on their Easter experience. New Catholics continue to learn and engage in the Parish community.
If you have been validly baptized in another Christian denomination, we honor the dignity of your baptism and recognize your unity with us. You do not need to be "re-baptized". A non-Catholic Christian is welcome to participate in twice-monthly Monday sessions as needed to learn about the Catholic faith. We encourage you to become part of Parish life. Baptized Christians who desire full communion with the Catholic Church celebrate a ritual called Reception into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church, where they receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and their First Communion. This can be done at any time of the year.